Krait: WebXPRT & TouchXPRT 2013

August 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Krait: WebXPRT 2013 Community Preview 1

I also included Principled Technologies' new HTML5/js web test suite WebXPRT in our power analysis. Intel and Qualcomm remain quite close in these tests. I didn't run the Qualcomm tests at the same time as the Intel tests the charts graphs aren't perfectly aligned, as a result it looks like Intel took longer to complete the test when in reality the opposite is true. Once again at the platform level, the W510 beats the XPS 10, but at the CPU level Krait manages to do better than Atom. Looking at GPU power consumption alone, Intel/Imagination are once again more power efficient. As 3D performance doesn't matter much here, the Qualcomm/Adreno 225 3D performance advantage does nothing - it just costs more power.

Once again there's no contest when we include Tegra 3 in the comparison. Atom/Krait are in a different league. It'll be interesting to see how Tegra 4 will do here...

WebXPRT - Overall Score

TouchXPRT 2013

As our first native client test, we turned to PT's TouchXPRT 2013. As there is no "run-all" functionality in the TouchXPRT benchmark, we had to present individual power curves for each benchmark. Unlike the previous tests where Qualcomm was consistently slower than Intel, many of the TouchXPRT tests show the two competitors performing quite similarly. This gives us a better idea of how these two fare when performance is equal. For the most part, Acer/Intel seem to win at the platform and GPU levels, while Qualcomm takes the win at the CPU level. Once again, it's not abundantly clear to me how much of Qualcomm's CPU core power advantage is due to the fact that we're not taking into account power consumption of the L2 cache.



