There’s no place like social media to air out your grievances. For all of the magic that the Mouse House brings, fans certainly have controversial opinions where Disney is concerned.
Recommended VideosWith some of the most beautiful animated films existing under the Disney umbrella and theme parks that are the backdrop for lasting family memories, the Mouse House most certainly ups the ante in the realm of the enchanted. Still, not everything it touches turns to gold.
A Reddit thread posed a question that might just cause you to re-think some of your relationships if you were to ask it at the dinner table or over a round of drinks. This fan wants to know the most controversial Disney opinions out there. Kicking it off with an idea of their own, the conversation became heated almost immediately.
From Inside Out being overrated to a lack of artistic value as a whole, these Disney fans (or foes) aren’t holding back.
Many fans felt this opinion was less of a “hot take” and more “understood idea” within the Magic Kingdom, but not everyone agrees. It’s easy to see both sides of this argument, but we must admit that the songs from both movies often get stuck in our heads.
In addition to defending Frozen, some fans felt that Elsa’s character deserved the hero arc, while others thought she was more of a problem.
This fan feels that Sleeping Beauty was, well, slept on.
Some people just can’t get behind the fan experience at the Disney parks anymore.
A controversial opinion within the thread is that which states Pixar has plateaued. While some comments say the idea is common knowledge, not an opinion, others struggle to find out where Pixar has gone wrong. This is one of the most comment-heavy portions of the thread, and with good reason. It’s a very divisive argument.
You simply can’t talk about Disney with any controversial connotations without mentioning “Disney adults,” which is never a talk full of sunshine and daisies. The responses here covered everything from saying Disney’s “biggest kids” are stunted to arguments that nostalgia and loving what you love are some of the most essential pieces of existence that bring us joy.
This comment states that Disney isn’t just lackluster, that it’s actually “awful for the entertainment industry” as a whole.
Finally, we’ll leave you with a hot take that the comments section couldn’t get enough of, even if they disagreed.
Be it a Disney fan or someone who feels the corporation is a drain on society, it’s easy to get lost for the afternoon in this Reddit thread, and you can do it with or without sitting at home in your favorite pair of Disney ears. We won’t judge you!